Monday, February 2, 2009


From all ancient subjects of celebratory furniture it is possible to meet "Jack-lantern" - a lantern from a pumpkin more often. There are and " pumpkin faces " from a relief cardboard which hang up on a window, and big cardboard pumpkins which adhere on lamps, with shone eyes and artfully grinning mouth from a fabric and a paper. There are cut out of a cardboard " pumpkin heads " which were put on as a mask, and some of them even decorated vases with ice-cream. Within all October of a pumpkin - anywhere and everywhere: they are exposed on counters of street dealers, are on sale on weight in supermarkets, are combined in huge pyramids on pumpkin farms, with a pattern from orange peas cover a bed on a slope of a distant hill. Whether it is possible to doubt, what lanterns from a pumpkin and shabash
are closely connected with each other? Speak, that in the Europe there was a tradition to put candles inside of turnip or other vegetable that they were blown with a wind. Naturally, in this vegetable windows for light should be cut out; From them eventually the stylized human face on a lantern from a pumpkin also has turned out. But from this explanation remains not clear as this custom is connected with a Halloween. Though, probably, and not so important, what vegetable to use, nevertheless the pumpkin, this American vegetable, undoubtedly, acts in a role of a symbol of a season. But magic value the candle inside of a pumpkin possesses. The flame of a candle symbolizes not only elements of fire, but also white light of pure spirit.


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