Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What for to the motorcyclist a helmet when there is a pumpkin
In Nigeria the police began to face in a mass order cases when motorcyclists , driving on country roads, put on instead of safety helmets … ordinary empty pumpkins.
What for to the motorcyclist a helmet when there is a pumpkin
And local pilots two-wheeled baic have not fun at all thus, and at all do not mark a Halloween about which many of them at all do not know.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pumpkins, as a design element
Pumpkins, as a design element
Whether a pumpkin as an element of registration you Wish to decorate simply the house with gifts of autumn or prepare for a holiday a Halloween,
Pumpkins with unusual drawing become your highlight.
That for this purpose it is necessary for you:
- A pumpkin of the average size;
- A sharp knife;
- The table spoon to remove seeds;
- An electric drill with different drills;
- White or colour labels.
How to do
1. By means of a knife cut in the basis of a pumpkin an aperture.
2. Remove all seeds and pulp
3. By means of labels create on a pumpkin drawing which you would like to receive.
4. After you are defined with drawing, it is possible to start drilling of holes. Use drills of the various sizes, for example, 8 mm, 12ΠΌΠΌ and 22 mm.
5. It is possible to illuminate a pumpkin from within by means of a small candle.
6. Attention: Never leave the lighted candle without supervision.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Symbol of a Halloween!
Pumpkin - the main symbol of a Halloween (or Day of all sacred, it is celebrated on November, 1st). Why a pumpkin and what for on her cut out brutal muzzles?
The tradition to cut out lanterns from vegetables has come from Ireland and the Great Britain and originates in days of celtics of monks - druids whom these of an ominous kind used lanterns for exile of demons and malicious spirits. Usually lanterns were cut out from turnip, a beet and a swede, and till 19 centuries at all had no attitude to day of all sacred. Custom to cut out a pumpkin on a Halloween has come from Northern America where the pumpkin associated with a season of harvesting. The American lantern from a pumpkin Jack-lantern (Jack-O-Lantern) has received the name and became an official symbol of a Halloween in 1866.
Who such Jack-lantern?
The spark of a pumpkin flickering in darkness symbolizes souls died, wandering between heavens and underworld.
The legend says, that one careless farmer, the drunkard and pilferer Jack is no time veins. Once Jack escaped from the annoyed peasants, which he steal. And here on a way to him the devil, declared to Jack that hour of its death has come has met. Artful Jack has persuaded a devil to delay death instead of an opportunity to bewitch the just peasants pursued the thief. It has suggested a devil to turn to a coin with which Jack will pay off for the stolen things and when the devil/coin will disappear peasants will fight with each other, finding out who has stolen it. The devil has agreed and, having turned to a silver coin, has jumped to Jack in a pocket. But has been there and then deprived the magical force as it has appeared near to a cross, which Jack has stolen in village. Jack promised to release a devil if that will promise to not take away to his shower in a hell.
Who such Jack-lantern Jack-O-Lantern
When time of death has come, Jack could not get on heavens because of the sinful life, but also in a hell him have not started up, as promised. It was around dark also to Jack there was no place to go. he has asked a lantern, and the devil has derisively thrown to him decaying pieces of coal from infernal baked. Jack cut out a lantern from a pumpkin, has put in her pieces of coal and began to wander by the ground in searches of rest. And began to name it ' Jack of the Lantern '
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pumpkin amulet
Pumpkin amulet
This pumpkin possesses first of all strong therapeutic properties. The pumpkin should be suspended above a bed of the patient, in case of heavy and long illness - in a headboard. Additional effect of application bronze pumpkin - amplification of love feelings. If spouses grow cold to each other, it is possible to place such pumpkin in a bedroom, and it will lead to amplification of feelings between them.
pumpkin also harmonizes relations between children and adults. Protective and medical action is peculiar for any pumpkin, irrespective of a material of which she is made.
Use the pumpkins dried up in the certain way or made of a tree (it is traditional - from a cypress, ebony a tree), ceramics, etc. On a pumpkin represent hieroglyphs of the big success, the Chinese coin of happiness and various gods.
The legend says
The fruit of a pumpkin earlier was widely used as capacity for transferring waters. Clean water, suitable for drink, was the value, therefore the given kind of a pumpkin became amulets to helping people. considered, that the pumpkin collects in itself health, accumulates him and does not allow him to dissipate. The range of application of it{this} amulet is very wide, as health for the person is the most important. If in the house there is a patient, the pumpkin is capable abhorrence action of malicious forces, to improve a sincere condition and mood. Salutarily acts on health pumpkin with the image of a dragon, as a dragon - a symbol of success and happy changes. And for the ill person happy changes is a recover. Removes illnesses pumpkin with disseminating tubules which hang up above a workplace or, on the contrary, above vacation spot.
http://free pumpkin face
Monday, February 2, 2009
Day of All Sacred or Jack-lantern holiday.
Already for anybody not a secret, that celebrating Halloween for a long time has fallen outside the limits the English-speaking countries and is celebrated all over the world with extraordinary scope. Since October, 31st for November, 1st people dress night in carnival suits, mainly in demons and vampires, put on a table pumpkin heads with candles inside and go on visitors, eliciting sweets with a phrase " Treat or you will regret! ". Certainly, all this enchantling spectacle could not be born presently, too the spirit of sorcery and magic, spirit of pagans is felt in it.
celtic legends
The history of this holiday totals millenia, beginning from celtics festival Samhain. Samhain it was celebrated on November, 1st, at this particular time, in opinion celtic, there came winter. According to ancient calibrate, in night opens a door in other the world, and inhabitants of a hell get on the ground. At this time all non-realized hopes and plans died again come back to the ground, and their souls go down to the native centers. The truth is a little horrible? But in this just and sense of a holiday. Before Halloween celtic should live fairly and justly that this night has delivered to it of less problems and efforts in relations with other the world.
Celebrating of Day of All Sacred, certainly, is connected with the certain traditions. One of the most known traditions goes back to the Irish folklore. On a legend, the avaricious and artful Irish smith by name Jack has deceived feature of the whole two times and has compelled him to swear to cause never to Jack of harm. After death the sly fellow has found out, that the place to him in paradise is not reserved completely not, and in a hell do not start up owing to above-stated the oath promise. And Jack again has appeared on the ground - only instead of eyes it had heated coals for intimidation of a devil (under other versions, he has been doomed to eternal wanderings in darkness and that the darkness was not darkness, specially trained piece of coal which he has put in empty turnip that burned longer has been welcome to him). As you have already understood, here it is a question of a pumpkin which clean from within and put there candles. So the pumpkin head carrying the name Jack-lantern turns out.
It is not necessary to forget about tradition which love both children, and adults. "Trick-or-treating" is one of the cores Halloweens customs. The people dressed in "terrible" suits and masks, go on neighbours and ask tasty. Thus they loudly shout: " Trick-or-treat!!! ", that in a free translation means: " Treat or you will regret! ". Custom to extort thus a delicacy as well as the majority of other traditions modern Halloween, it is connected with ancient holiday Samhain when, on beliefs celtics, spirits and fairies got access about the world alive and created in him that wanted. Fairies, in particular, liked to pretend to beggars and to go from the house to the house, asking a handout. Those who treated them, they renumerated, and given up to comply made different feasible mucks.
It is impossible to manage this day guessings. Ancient celtics girls put chestnuts in a fire and observed, how they will lead themselves. Worst of all, if they, burning down, were unrolled in the different sides: it promised contentions in private life. Very often for this purpose used (and continue to use) apples and mirrors. For example, that who wishes to see groom, it is necessary to cut an apple across and to eat him at candles before a mirror. After that groom should appear in a mirror, behind a shoulder fortunetellers. The some people advise thus also to brush the hair. To one of the most popular Halloween guessings remains " bobbing for apples " (" catching of apples ") - entertainment for unmarried and unmarried. For this purpose the big basin with water where throw some the average size of apples on which names or any predictions are written undertakes. Guessing connect hands and suggest to catch the attracted fruit a mouth. Sometimes apples do not put in water, and suspend on cords, that does not do make a problem easier. Such way practised still ancient celtic for which the apple was a symbol of fertility. Was considered, that the girl who has caught an apple, will very soon marry.
And now, we shall pass from the theory to practice. You have already reflected how to celebrate coming Halloween? We shall assist you!
From all ancient subjects of celebratory furniture it is possible to meet "Jack-lantern" - a lantern from a pumpkin more often. There are and " pumpkin faces " from a relief cardboard which hang up on a window, and big cardboard pumpkins which adhere on lamps, with shone eyes and artfully grinning mouth from a fabric and a paper. There are cut out of a cardboard " pumpkin heads " which were put on as a mask, and some of them even decorated vases with ice-cream. Within all October of a pumpkin - anywhere and everywhere: they are exposed on counters of street dealers, are on sale on weight in supermarkets, are combined in huge pyramids on pumpkin farms, with a pattern from orange peas cover a bed on a slope of a distant hill. Whether it is possible to doubt, what lanterns from a pumpkin and shabash
are closely connected with each other? Speak, that in the Europe there was a tradition to put candles inside of turnip or other vegetable that they were blown with a wind. Naturally, in this vegetable windows for light should be cut out; From them eventually the stylized human face on a lantern from a pumpkin also has turned out. But from this explanation remains not clear as this custom is connected with a Halloween. Though, probably, and not so important, what vegetable to use, nevertheless the pumpkin, this American vegetable, undoubtedly, acts in a role of a symbol of a season. But magic value the candle inside of a pumpkin possesses. The flame of a candle symbolizes not only elements of fire, but also white light of pure spirit.
How to cut out face from a pumpkin on Halloween
That it is required to you:
* a pumpkin: than orange - best it will turn out that face
* a marker
* a knife with a sharp, short edge
* a board
* a plate
* the spoon
* a candle
* spirit
1 step
To prepare for all necessary.
Pumpkin carefully to wash up, a surface to wipe spirit (the marker will better lay down).
To cut off the top part of a pumpkin, it will be “ cover with tail ”.
2 step
Through the turned out aperture it is accurate spoon to remove pulp and sunflower seeds, to combine in a plateau. Sunflower seeds then can be washed out, dried up and fried - it will be tasty;
3 step
To draw a marker desirable face: as a rule, it is a pretty attractive face cheerfully smiling in all mouth it is accurate on a contour to cut out unnecessary elements. If there were traces from a marker, they will easily be erased web, moistened by spirit.
4 step
To leave a pumpkin at 12 o'clock that has dried up inside. Then to fix inside a candle, spark her, to close “ cover with tail ”, to switch off light and to take pleasure in result!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Halloween - eve of Day of all sacred
The holiday is marked by processions on city in carnival suits.
Millions people in different parts of the world annually celebrate a Halloween - “ eve of Day of all sacred ”.
Children dress up in extraordinary terrible suits and put on ugly masks. With bags in hands they go from the house to the house, frightening of the kind and children, and adults. On custom, they should be given gifts, differently they can harm the house or the owner. Small children usually do not execute the threats, and having received a gift, leave.
According to some information, druids trusted, that this evening the god dead convoked malicious spirits which within the last year lived in bodies of animals. Other pagan people trusted, that this evening all spirits died for last year visiting the houses and consequently for them tables were covered and doors from fear, that if spirits will not find food and habitation were left opened, they will severely revenge living for this inattention to them. Bringing of every possible victims was too the usual phenomenon this evening.
At northern people the holiday began on the eve of November, 1st. Was considered, that souls of kind people after death are carried away by kind spirits in paradise, and souls of malicious people remain to wander in skies, disturbing alive and consequently require in cajole even once a year.
The winter begun with Helloween (on November, 1st), opened year.
This time of mercy, disinterested aid to the family, old, sick and dying, people start to appreciate experience even in the culture esteeming a youth, to keep ancient relics and a cultural heritage of the world, including wisdom of natives. This day abilities to clairvoyant can wake up.
Colors of this day - fiery-red, brown, black - colors of fire, color of torches. In night Helloween fire on an altar - not simply tribute of respect to gods -he protects your center, protects his clear equal light. Let candles will be much. It is possible to make traditional fixtures of pumpkins and to place in them candles, light from an altar. It is possible to create additional fixtures from vessels of orange glass and to place inside heating candles. Such fixtures are put on window sills and behind a threshold. They drive away not only unbidden visitors from the World of Spirits, but also protect your house from plans of your enemies, with envy and rage which can be directed on you.
http://drawing pumpkin
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lanterns from pumpkins
Useful councils
To put a pumpkin on some sheets of a paper, not so to litter. To cut off a cover of a pumpkin there where there is a fruit stem. Use a sharp long knife.
cut "covers" under a corner will not allow her to fail then in the cut out pumpkin.
Be convinced, that a hole which you cut out, enough big that it was possible to push a hand, and clear a pumpkin of seeds and fibres.
Survey the pumpkin to find where better to cut out the face. Draw a desirable pattern (even not necessarily features) on a white paper and attach its adhesive tape on a pumpkin where you will cut out a pattern. Take the big nail and pierce a paper and a peel of a pumpkin on a contour.
Sharp knife cut out the pattern on apertures. Squeeze out pieces.
The finished lantern. Now inside it is possible to put a candle.
http://free pumpkin face
Halloween - night of all sacred
The holiday-horror film, actually completely not terrible, and more likely, cheerful and amusing, is the old tradition for some time almost forgotten, and then revived in XIX-th century in the USA.
Historians see roots today's Halloween in ancient celtic celebrating. According to national folklore, this day it is necessary to bridle malicious fairies and to forecast the future for what celtic people used improvised means - nuts and apples. Some Christian researchers attribute to a holiday "devilish" features. However documentary confirmations to that celtic people were engaged in sacrifices, no.
Most likely, far descendants celtic peoples - Irish which mass emigration in the USA happened in XIX-th century, have brought with themselves this tradition on the new native land. In the USA have thought up produce small lamps from pumpkins in the form of a human head - on historical data, these vegetables in the Europe in an antiquity did not grow up. But there were others which peel, for the lack of other material, people used for the device of fixtures.
Halloween has quickly collected popularity, already in beginning XX of a century Europeans with cheerful pleasure began to dress up in all red and black on the eve of Day of All Sacred to amuse each other and at the same time, probably, to get rid, "be cleared" of last year's fears - similarly to ancient celtic people which year began just on November, 1st.
From all modern holidays and significant dates Halloween, perhaps, the most eclectic. It is a unimaginable mosaic of superstitions, folklore, cultural traditions of the different countries. In its carrying out there are no rigid rules, let alone any canon or ritual.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
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