Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pumpkin amulet

Pumpkin amulet
This pumpkin possesses first of all strong therapeutic properties. The pumpkin should be suspended above a bed of the patient, in case of heavy and long illness - in a headboard. Additional effect of application bronze pumpkin - amplification of love feelings. If spouses grow cold to each other, it is possible to place such pumpkin in a bedroom, and it will lead to amplification of feelings between them.

pumpkin also harmonizes relations between children and adults. Protective and medical action is peculiar for any pumpkin, irrespective of a material of which she is made.

Use the pumpkins dried up in the certain way or made of a tree (it is traditional - from a cypress, ebony a tree), ceramics, etc. On a pumpkin represent hieroglyphs of the big success, the Chinese coin of happiness and various gods.

The legend says

The fruit of a pumpkin earlier was widely used as capacity for transferring waters. Clean water, suitable for drink, was the value, therefore the given kind of a pumpkin became amulets to helping people. considered, that the pumpkin collects in itself health, accumulates him and does not allow him to dissipate. The range of application of it{this} amulet is very wide, as health for the person is the most important. If in the house there is a patient, the pumpkin is capable abhorrence action of malicious forces, to improve a sincere condition and mood. Salutarily acts on health pumpkin with the image of a dragon, as a dragon - a symbol of success and happy changes. And for the ill person happy changes is a recover. Removes illnesses pumpkin with disseminating tubules which hang up above a workplace or, on the contrary, above vacation spot.

http://free pumpkin face

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